Internal Audit and culture

Recently I participated in a Conference on Internal Audit. One of the recurrent theme across session was “Culture”. How culture of an organisation impacts Internal audit and how an internal auditor can make impacts on the organisation culture to have a right culture. This is my point of view on some of the questions raised. […]

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Governance for Approval Matrix

Approval Matrix is one component of overall governance framework of an organization. It is a very important component, which is defined tightly, will lead to all decisions in the hands of few individuals leading to power and overburden. Defined loosely will lead to lack of harmony in the directions where an organisation wants to go. […]

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Revenue Assurance

Revenue assurance as a function is dominant in telecommunication industries. However the lessons learnt can be applied in any industry. What is revenue assurance? Revenue assurance is The activity is the use of data quality and process improvement methods that improve profits, revenues and cash flows without influencing demand. – Wikipedia How Internal audit can help an organization […]

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Value addition by internal audit

Definition of internal audit , IIA standards, professional organizations preaches internal audit to add value. Internal auditors claim that they always add value. Still organization demand value from internal auditors. What is that internal auditors are not doing to show organisation value added by them? is it a simple case of not measuring and not communicating the value added […]

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Role of Internal Audit

Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. – Definition of internal audit. I believe Internal audit has […]

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